
Annie's Photo Corral

come lasso up some memories!

Week 8: Optical Illusions

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My very photogenic friend Karl and my mom were nice enough to pose for some optical illusion shots! What sweet angels!

This is my last project, guys! Unfortunately, my time on wordpress is now over 😥

Thank you to all who followed my photographic journey ♥

Week 7: Dramatic Studio Portraits


Hello everyone. My friend Jon is very pretty and a modeling agency needs to hire him asap.

[click here to read a bloated explanation of how I took these photos]

Week 6: Fine Art Food

Decided to do this project in the spur of the moment with my good friend Jenna! She helped me set up the lighting/camera and get materials and was overall a gem<3

We bought a bunch of food from our local grocery store for under $10 and took really nice, appealing photos of them. I liked the challenge, and I like how these turned out!

[Check out this page, where I describe our set-up process]

[And check out Jenna’s pictures! They turned out really well!]

Week 5: Sports Photography

For the past few weeks, I attended 3 sporting events and got 30 action-packed shots.

Being in the right place at the right time and being camera-ready proved difficult for me, but I quite like how each set turned out.

[click here to go to my ‘sports photography’ main page, and view each event separately]

Week 4: Wildlife photography

For this project, I got the chance to go to my local park and get up close to the wildlife there. Totally made me feel like I was doing my own version of National Geographic, lol. Click pics for captions 😉

[visit the separate page]

Week 3: Color Theme

For this project, I got the chance to think pink!

[separate page here: x ]

Week 2: outdoor portrait

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Another project down! For this one we had to take outdoor portraits with a single softbox.

Go to this page to see the photos separately, as well as read about the process behind these pictures!

Week 1: HDR set of 5

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Haven’t posted any photography in awhile!

In this project I had to take HDR photos of anything I wanted. HDR is a challenge, but I do love the different highlights/shadows that are blended together in the final result – what vibrant colors!

Go to this page to see the photos individually.

Sesame Street

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In this project we had letters & numbers we had to represent with pictures. Check out my page  where they’re not in a slideshow!

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Daniel Fox

Following my Photography Journey

Capture This

Photos by Hailee

Just Shoot Me

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photo is the motto

picturesque scenes

The Perfect Angle

Taking like one photo at a time.

Annie's Photo Corral

come lasso up some memories!